what a busy weekend........

Its like waiting on a bus.... you wait for ages then 3 come at once.

On friday night we went to see the Happy mondays at the corn exchange and I can honestly say they were amazing. I have seen then quite a few times ( old school !!!!!!!) the first time was in 89 when I was 15 and they were so much better than I remembered. Some of their new stuff was really good although you cant been the old classics ( 24 hour party people and Halleluijah ) was a bit dissapointed though as Sean Ryder stormed off as someone threw a drink over him and didnt do an encore so we didnt get to hear Wrote for luck............. ah well some things never change. It was so funny going in as we bumped into loads of people we knew and I even ended up standing next to Kirsty's brother Kevin (my friend who emigrated) and didnt even notice him until he tapped me on the shoulder.

Then last night we were out at our friends wedding. It was at the Norton house hotel and Carrie looked amazing. We had a great night and it was one of those nights were you hadnt seen people for ages and stood all nigth blethering. I was driving ( and no I am not pregnant ) as just cant seem to handle a late night and drinking.

Got to rush off now as my boy has just arrived home

see ya

hurrah its the weeken

thanks god. I though it would never come. Having a quiet night tonight and really should prepare for the crop tomorrow but dont have a clue what I am going to do. I feel such a non-scrapper just now and have no inspiration at all. May just do some cards.........

So what has been happening this week....... well archie does his first wee in a potty (yipee). He had his nappy off and asked for the potty so I went away and got it thinking here goes he will just run about with it on his head. I asked him if he wanted to sit down on it but he said NO and stood over it and done a pee. he was so chuffed that a minute later he sat down and he was really trying hard to do another pee ( bless ) but he couldnt manage it. Now I really dont think this will happen again for another few months and I am not going to rush him into anything although no nappies would be fantastic.

He is still pulling hair ( well more just grabbing and holding on not pulling ) which is really frustrating and because of this he gets put in the hall for timeout after a warning. ( not often might i add just incase someone reports me for child cruelty !!!!!) He now knows that when he has been bad to stand in the hall until mummy comes to get him and yesterday when he has been asked if he would like to stand in the hall he replied yes and toddled off and stood there for a minute then came back in and said 'so sozzy mummy'. Its really hard to get mad at him as he is just a wee pudding although I really wish this phase of pulling hair would end ( soon ).

His words are coming along really well and at night if he is lying in his cot you can her him saying bye bye trac tom (tractor tom), bye bye sally ( from cars) bye bye Mate (mater from cars ) and this goes on and on until he falls asleep. He has even started saying his own name if you ask him who he is 'Arhie' and his other favourite saying is 'chick bad crashes car' ( I think the boy watches too much tv esp cars dvd) He is starting to talk in sentences as well. I wub that boy

I got an email from kirsty ( who emigrated ) and it was great to hear from her. She is settling in really well so kirsty if you are reading this *waves*

I have attached a photo of me kirsty and julie on our last meet up

have a great weekend and will update you on what I actually got done at the crop when I get back x

I really need a cleaner......

Well I think I do anyway. LOL. Yesterday Archie went out for a few hours with his auntie haley and uncle graham so I done what I have been putting off for weeks ......................... I tidied my bedroom. It was embarassing to say the least. The rest of my house is always clean ( if a little messy with archie's toys everywhere) but I just never have the time ( or the courage ) to tidy my bedroom. There were piles of clean clothes that needed put away and you couldnt walk on the floor without standing on something ( I really sound like a minger but I am not - promise) It just got out of hand so now the result is all my clothes are put away, my windows are all cleaned, bedding changed and matress hoovered, floors washed and a bin bag of stuff binned. It is a total joy to be in it now. I even had my cushions on the bed which havent been on for ages. I got a few boxes from Ikea so there is stuff in it that I dont have room for ( ie bridesmaid dress )

The next thing I am going to do is sort out all my crimbo decorations int o a large box from ikea so they are all together as last year there were def a few things missing that I couldnt find so once this is done they will be easilly accessable.

Went to Jenners today as they have a sale in the toy department so got a few pressies for christmas ( not for archie as I have been buying him stuff every month so only really to buy him his main pressie which will be a chalk board ) got a huge lightening McQueen (for Jamie)which was reduced from £20 to £10 and a few other things that were in the sale as well - more just stocking fillers, Postman Pat and Noddy magnets, a few tractors.

Back to work tomorrow after a week off ( not trhough holidays just the way my shifts have worked out) - Oh Joy. Will meet up with Kat though and get the crop prizes for the crop on saturday. I will really need to think about what I will do on saturday as feel I am becoming more of a card maker than a scrapper as never have time to do any LO's. I really must make time and finish a few LO's I have started but arent quite finished

Anyway I am off to serve dinner ( chicken and baked potatoes ) and will maybe send mark to the shop for some chocolate ( time of the month )

L xx


Ouch. I have been in agony for days now and think I may have had my quota of pain killers recently. I have had the worst toothache I can ever remember having. Archie woke during the night and so I got up to give him a wee cuddle but once he was down I lay for what seemed like hours trying to get to sleep but no matter which way I lay, I felt like someone was sticking hot pokers into my jaw and eye so got up, took some painkillers then eventually fell asleep about an hour later. Had to go to work this morning but was sitting at my desk in immense pain so decided enough was enough and went to the emergency dentist. I got taken withing 30 mins so was well chuffed. It was a tooth that I cracked years ago when I was eating polos so only have half a tooth. Its at the back at the top so have never got it crowned but just cant afford a crown just now so think it will have to be a filling in the meantime as was planning on getting all my bottom fillings ( 4 ) changed to the white fillings in the next few months. At least I can drink now as before as soon as any liquid/food touched it, I would get shooting pains right up the side of my head.

I can honestly say that the only pain worse that toothache is labour !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also decided as well that I really must get some scrapping done as have done nothing recently apart from make cards. I have loads of photos printed of Archie's birthday so will need to do a few LO's at the next crop in a few weeks time,

I am going to have a few G&T's tonight even though I am going out on saturday to celebrate my BIL's 40th. Think there is about 30 couples going so we are all having something to eat in La monde ( is that the name of it ) in George Street then off somewhere else. Archie is staying with his gran & grandpa and his cousin Glen is also staying so archie will be luvin it as he just adores Glen.

Looking forward to getting glamed up as just normally trapse about in jeans and T-shirts with no make up on and since archie will be leaving us early afternoon, I will have about 5 hours just to pamper myself.

Hope you all have a good weekend

take care

L x