christmas cards

here are some of the cards I have been making to send out - hopefully I will get round to posting them this year !!!!!!!!


I am off on holiday today and since I cleaned most of my house yesterday I decided I will just relax today, well kind of.

I dropped off some crop stuff to Kat this morning and what a nightmare that was. I am terrible with street names or places in edinburgh so took me an age to find her house but on the way back only took me about 20 mins.

I have just put on some crimbo tunes through Itunes ( festive eh !!!) and am allowing myself 30 mins on the web before I have to wax my legs ( ouch)

Dropped archie off at nursery about 9am and paid for the singing kettle where he is going next Thursday with the Nursery. I have also booked him to go and see the wizard of oz on the 20th. He has a better socail life than me !!!!!

Archie fell out of bed AGAIN last night and Mark had to give him a cuddle to get him back to sleep so it was about midnight I eventually fell asleep then he woke at 1am ( bad dream?) and I just went in, tucked him in and he fell straight back to sleep but I was lying awake for about 30 mins after this so when Marks alarm went off at 6.30am this morning I was shattered. Early to bed tonight I think.

Got my tickets for Ingilston craft fair so will go on Sunday with Haley and Archie as I cant get a babysitter as Mark is off to the boxing. He better be fit on the Monday as its my birthday ( 33 OMG how did that happen )

Archie has chosen my birthday cake. He originally wanted a thomas the tank engine cake but somehow I talked him out of it so he has went for a cake with balloons on it ( I was wanting a Scooby Doo cake but you had to have eaten it by 2nd dec which is one day too early)

Anyway better make the most of my 30 mins on UKS

Take care

so far so good

Archie seems to be really enjoying his bed and has been sleeping better than ever in it.

He is going downa about 7.20pm and getting up about 8am and this morning he woke at 5.50am and I could hear him shout on me through the monitor so after a fwe mins I went through to see him and the wee scone was lying on the floor after falling out of bed so I put him back in and covered him up. he asked for a bobo so I went off the get a bottle of milk, gave him it in bed and went back to mine and didnt hear anything from him again until 8am so looks like this could be ( fingers crossed ) his new wake up time although bit concerned how I will manage on the day he goes to nursery as we usually leave about 7.50am !!!!!!

I have taken today and thursday off as a holiday with the plan to go crimbo shopping but some how I have managed to get most of it in ( and even started wrapping it ) so I am cleaning my house - looks like I am busy eh !!!! Archie is away with his gran and tomorrow I will take him to Nursery and then will hand in my order for my crimbo dinner at the butchers. I also need to hand some crop stuff into Kats on Thur but havent a clue where she lives so that will be fun ( not) as I need a sat nav to find my way out my street

Anyway I suppose I should have some lunch then finish my house before my buba comes back

Take care

new bed

here is the only photo of archie and his new bed. I only managed to get one photo before my camera died so will get some more

cant believe my boy is in a big bed now ,sob
I have also added a photo of archie wearing my mums new glasses and a photo taken at blackford pond recently.

squeek squeek

Arrrggghhh juts discovered I have a mouse in my house. This is the first one in 2 years. The cates used to bring them in all the time but since we moved we only have the cat flap opening outwards so they cant come in when they want so god only knows how the little blighter has got it............. I could hear it chew paper so got my two cats in but they were so dis-interested I was ashamed !!!!!!!!! Imagine having 2 cats and not one of them showing any interest at all .......... After trying to catch it I am sure it ran into my fireplace but have taken the front off and cant find it so dont know where it was. I had to bin all my scrapping mags that were down there as they were covered in mouse droppings and wee - eurgh and have disinfected everywhere. I found a little nest made out of paper as well so hopefully I caught it in time before it gave birth. It must be a brave mouse though as once my cats get hold of them they dont let go.

On a much brighter note, my boy is in his big bed and has slept amazingly well in it. He went in it on friday night after I had made it up ( and mark came in to check it was safe - yep think I can manage to put up a bed mark ) He went down at 8pm and slept until 8.30am on saturday and last night he went down at 7.15pm and slept until 8.00 am ( well apart from being awake for about 1hr during the night due to a bad dream ) so all in all he seems to really like it and he looks so comfy. Iwas really worried about him being cold as I stopped using his grobag as thought if he went walking he could hurt himself but he lies all snuggled under his covers all night long. He may just not have realised he can get out of his bed yet but hopefully he will stay in his bed all night.

We also went to see santa at teh Gyle on friday. Archie was so excited to go and see santa until he actually saw him then he started clinging on to my legs and telling me to go. I eventually managed to get him to sit near santa and tell him what he wanted and the conversation went like this

Me - Archie you need to tell santa what you would like for christmas or he wont know what to bring
Archie ( while cuddling into me and not looking at santa ) A Ninky nonk and an upsy daisy book, go mummy go hurry

Ah bless I am sure it will be so different next year.

We went to cameron toll yesterday and they have a santa and Archie asked if he could go and see him so may take him in a few weeks and get his photo taken with santa. I also got him the night before christmas book and he keeps asking when its christmas time. Think next year I wont mention it until a week before !!!!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

the weekend

is made for shopping and I am just off out to do some. Had to go down to Princess St with Haley yesterday to change Archie's LaLa for a Tinky Winky gggrrrrr. I went to the Fort and got a deal on the 3 for 2's and got archie a free teletubbie that woudl have been £25 but they didnt have tinky winky so I got La La but oh no this was not good enough and Archie informed me I had to get Tinky Winky instead of La La. So off we trailed yesterday to get him a Tinky Winky and I managed to get the last one in the shop phew.......... They had also sold out in Boots of all the In the night garden toys. How glad am I that I bought mine ages ago. Archie played with Tinky Winky all the way home on the bus and kept pressing his hand so he played that awful tune but I told him when we got hom mummy was posting it to Santa and he was fine with this.

Mark is in his bed with the sickness bug me and Archie have had over the last week. So the plan is today to go food shopping after Roary the racing car ( 9.10am) then when we come back go to the Fort and get some crimbo pressies for my nephews. I am getting Frazer either jeans or a fleecy top ( my orders from his mum ) and Glen wants some books on Dogs or animals so will get him a top or something to go with that. I also really need to get Archie gloves as his little hands were freezing yesterday down town but dont think he likes the mitten ones so need ones with fingers.

Monday there is even more shopping on the cards as I am tqaking Julie and Jamie crimbo shopping as she doesnt have her car just now. What a nightmare that must be not being able to get to the shops to do your crimbo shopping. I think she is getting Jamie an easel as well so I have said that rather than her trying to get all her stuff in my car if she tells me what one she wants I will go off out and buy it and bring it through the next time I am coming to her bit.

Anyway better go and get ready to go shopping.

Have a great weekend

Lisa xx

Its been a long time

Since I last updated. Oops. I just never seem to have a minute these days......

Just a quick update of what has been going on.....

Archie has started nursery and goes every thursday. Today was his 5th time and the wee scone was trying so hard not to cry... God it breaks my heart to see him like this when I leave but I know that 10 mins later he is playing away. He has also really calmed down on the scratching and pulling hair. I went to see Julie and Jamie last week and poor Jamie is petrified of Archie but Archie was really well behaved and only bashed him over the head with a car. there was no hair pulling or scratching so hopefully this is him realising its naughty ( and probably to do witht he fact that he has came back from nursery with a bite and scratch so looks like someone is doing it to him and he doesnt like it )

I have eventually finished my christmas cards and it has taken me two ( yes i repeat 2 ) crops to do them !!!!!! I will take some photos as proof that I do actually do some crafting stuff although TBH I still enjoy the shopping part most at the moment.

Ahhhh christmas. Not long now. I have finished shopping for all archies pressies. He is getting a double easle with chalks, paints, crayons and pencils and loads of papers, an Iggle piggle that you press its belly and it makes several different sounds, loads of books ( think I went a bit mad with books but was always getting them when they had offers on them ) Noddy train, some bob the builder vehicles, some DVD's, a cars plate set and from santa he is getting a Ninky Nonk and an In the night garden book. Going to go shopping the end of November to get all of everyone elses crimbo pressies. Dont you just love shopping.

Archie gets pocket money from his grandpa so he had £42 for him saved up and I was going to get Archie the Moon in my room from ELC so asked Grandpa if he would get Archie it so they went off out yesterday and got him it. he just loves the moon and makes us take him outside morning and night to look for it. The moom in your room is fab. It goes through all the different phases of the moon and you can change it yourself or set it to manual and it glows like the real moon so its like a nightlight. We were supposed to be putting archie in his big boys bed last saturday but he hadnt been well so he is still in his cot but I thought that I could just leave the moon on in his room ( on the smallest phase ) and if he needs to get up during the night he wont trip up over anything once he is in his big boys bed.

He is also using the potty really well although as yet refuses to do a No2. He will quite happily do a wee and then gets really excited so once he does a no2 we will start potty training him.

Anyway off now to have a browse for glow in the dark stars as want to put them in archies stocking for crimbo.

lots of love

Lisa xx